Saturday, February 11, 2012

Change and un défi...

I often think that people are afraid of change; afraid of changing their mind, afraid of finding themselves or afraid to take a risk. I think it is fear that stops people from following their dreams. I have learned that this world is too amazing not to discover. Yes, change can be scary and difficult (and expensive!!!), but if we limit ourselves to the things we know, we can never discover the people we are. You see, change is a challenge. It forces us to look within ourselves and challenge the person we thought we were. It may not be a question of change but rather a question of discovery. Change provokes discovery and it takes a lot to find the strength to allow either. But, if you can find the wings, take the leap and fly! Or, if you are stubborn like me, let someone push you. Sometimes all we need is someone to push us! You may just find what you've always searched for.


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