Monday, June 11, 2012

je vous remercie et la fin d'un début

It is nearly time to bid adieu to my current adventure and begin to look forward to what my future holds. But, I cannot do that without reflecting on a few things and thanking a few people...

When we travel, the cultures we encounter change us. We learn a lot by just by observing our surroundings. This year I travelled within France, Italy, and Croatia but it was in France where I learned the most not only about mon pays d'adoption (my country of adoption), but more importantly, about myself.
I have always been a strong-willed and determined person but this year taught me that I am stronger than I thought. At first it was relatively easy to leave everything behind but as months went on, I began to realize just how much I appreciate my friends and family back home. Each day here brought new challenges. I learned how to live away from my family and with roommates, how to understand and respect a new culture, and how to speak another language. I loved every minute of it! The challenges are what made this adventure!

When I think of the word home, it now has a double meaning. Home will always be with my family in San Diego but now, France has become my home as well. I am thankful for that. Now I have two sides, two cultures, two languages and yet, I am just one person who has discovered so much more of herself. I am Brittany, the same as always, and I have become Brittanie, the American-Frenchie version. Both sides are pieces to the puzzle that make up who I am.

Je suis comme je suis et maintenant, je suis "moi"...I am who I am :)

The best part of my year has been discovering myself through my love of language. As I wrote before, I love French and now I appreciate and love English. It brings me such happiness to understand, speak and write two languages. It is amazing! (if you missed the last post, read it and you will understand!) :)

I am very lucky to have had this opportunity and it wouldn't have been possible without so many people. My support system from friends and family is and has been unparalleled. I wouldn't have been able to do this without any of you. As independent as I like to think I am, I needed all of you. I don't think I will ever be able to fully express my gratitude but I'll begin with a THANK YOU!

To my friends: You are all amazing. I have become closer with so many of you even though I have been so far away. Thank you for always being there even when the conversations were a tad bizarre at really random hours day or night. I have discovered just how amazing you all are and this would have been impossible without you. I will see you all soon!! We have so much to catch up on!! :)

à mon "prof" et amie...
To my "professor" and friend

Tu insiste que tu n'as rien fait...ce n'est pas vrai!!! Tu es vraiment géniale! Tu continues à m'enseigner plus que tu sais comme d'habitude!
Without this woman, I probably wouldn't have come to France this year. You helped me follow and realize my dreams and although you insist that it has been all me, I couldn't do it without te remercie pour tous!

And of course...the biggest thank you of all goes to my FAMILY! They all rock by the way!

First one goes to my G-ma...It would have been impossible to be here without you! You always support me 110% without hesitation and that is amazing. You are amazing! Thank you for ALL your support. I know you have explored the south of France before but one day, you and I will explore it together. I love you!

And now all the Rose's!
From all the amazing boxes filled with treats and holiday rubber ducks to the FaceTime conversations on how to handle unfamiliar territory, you were always there when I needed you.
Maman...I know it wasn't easy for you to let me cross the Atlantic but thank you for always supporting me. I could have never done this without you. Every month I couldn't wait for my box to see what rubber duck you had chosen! They are definitely one of my favorite parts of this adventure! I have learned just how important you are and I realize I much I actually need you...I love you, je t'aime!
Daddy...I know it was equally as hard for you to watch me leave and thank you for always being there. I may be growing up and finding my way in this world, but I am and will always be your baby girl. I love you!
Last but not least...Zach and Ash! It has been strange to not have you two with me this year. I realize now that I have taken you two for granted. You are both so important to me and I will always need you! I love you guys!

:) :) Ma belle France...ce n'est pas facile de te quitter...mais pour moi, c'est au revoir pour le moment parce que je reviendrai l'année prochaine. Merci pour tous ce que tu m'as appris...tu as changé ma vie. je t'aime et tu vas me manquer

1 comment:

  1. Ma chère Brittanie,

    Je suis si fière de toi! De tes progrès en français et de la jeune femme bi-culturelle que tu es devenue.

    Je sais que "partir c'est mourir un peu" car tu laisses une partie de toi-même, mais tu reviendras.

    Bin voyage de retour,
    Véronique, ta prof de français :-)
