Monday, November 7, 2011

Did you hear?

I will be in San Diego for Christmas!

This is NOT a joke people...I'm excited to see my family and my friends :) I am going to do my very best to see everyone I can! I will be in San Diego from the 21st to the 31st of December! I think the best thing about coming back for the holidays (other than seeing everyone of course) is that I get to come back to my beloved France. Don't worry San Diego, I love you and miss you when I'm gone

Other updates:
My Toussaint vacation has finished and I've resumed classes. Very happy to be back in the classroom! I have many exams and exposés in the coming weeks so I have plenty to do! I've learned that the best place for me to work on the language I love is everywhere and anywhere other than class. To be honest, I'm beginning to use French more often than English. I don't rely on my English as much because my confidence in speaking French has grown. It's amazing how quickly my language skills have progressed! I try to only use English when communicating with people in the US. Other than that, I read, write and speak French as often as I can. I love it! It makes me laugh because whenever I update this blog, I find myself writing English as if I were writing French! My brain is going to be temporarily confused when all I hear is English in San Diego because it is very used to French! :)

Fall has arrived in Aix. It has been raining for almost a week now and it is windy and chilly. I love it. It is beautiful and it has been fun to watch the seasons change. We really don't see it that much in San Diego so its a welcome change. 

Do you buy your milk at room temperature and your yogurt in a jar? I do! It is so strange but awesome! The yogurt jars double as extra drinking glasses and I can buy more milk at once and leave it in the pantry. Strange thought I know but trust me...once you are used to it, it's awesome! 

The other evening CEA treated us to dinner...what was on the menu? A plate full of mussels and frites! Yes it was amazing :) I am spoiled by all the amazing food I eat here!

Il faut que je fasse mes devoirs....aka I must do my homework for all you non-french speakers :)

Bonsoir at bisous!!

1 comment:

  1. Going home for Xmas and getting a big ol' dose of USA is the perfect present as far as I'm concerned :-)
    And I use my old yogurt jars as juice glasses too!
