Friday, October 14, 2011

This week in Aix...

Salut tous! This was the first real week of classes and everything is still going great!

This is what else I have been up to...

Meet the St. Victoire mountain...It is only about 6km outside of Aix and it is beautiful. There are tons of different trails to hike and explore. Near the mountain is the water reservoir that delivers water to most of Provence. You can't swim in it but it is still beautiful to look at. 

Fun Fact!!!! Can you see the red rock in the photo? This area is famous for fossilized dinosaur eggs. Many areas of the mountain are off limits for that reason but you can go with a guide who can show you some prehistoric history.

Beautiful isn't it????!!!!!?!?!

One of the trails we plan to do takes you up to the top of the St Victoire. That trail takes about 2 hours to get up but once you make it, you have a great view of Aix en Provence, Marseille and some of the surrounding smaller towns.

Other happenings...

Not to much to report on the rest of the week. We went to a comedy show (in french) and dinner with the CEA group. It was hilarious...well, the parts I understood were hilarious! I understood most of it....really!

I did some more exploring in the markets and I've decided that just about anything you buy from the local farmers is amazing! I will take pictures of the markets this weekend and post about them more then. They are packed and full of all sorts of fun things...not just food! 

Plans for this weekend: Markets, CEA fam picnic in the park, and maybe a day trip to somewhere close 

grosses bises de France!!!

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